Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Creative Memoir by Jan Rhinehart

'L'Aurore' walking through the peach roses in Square Georges Cain, Paris                               

Enough of winter! In this exquisite, sensitive piece, Jan Rhinehart brings us a whiff of spring.

by Jan Rhinehart

Somedays I reach out to embrace the day just to be pricked by a thorn. The prick is firm enough to cause bleeding, more internal than external. The external can easily be taken care of:

The internal continues to drip until enthusiasm for the day has been lost. Depression creeps in.

Can I afford to give up a day to doldrums? Can I risk sitting and doing nothing?

I take a deep breath, step out on my patio, tidy a few things, deadhead some plants and then my eyes focus on the rose bush.

There a most beautiful blossom, faint in scent but lovely in form. A smile crosses my face. Calmness surrounds me. Appreciating at that moment, that the day that started as a thorn will end as a blossom--a rose.

About the author: Twenty-five years ago Jan Rinehart was accepted to participate in the Oregon Writing Project. She carried those skills to her classroom and taught beginning writing skills to many elementary students. Since then she has 'flirted' with personal writing but is now ready to 'commit' to daily writing. She has endless praise for the Women's Writing Group for the success she is feeling with writing today.


  1. Thank you, Jan, for sharing this beautiful work. I always love hearing you read your work, as well, and enjoyed "Rose" while hearing your voice in my mind's ear. Blessings, dear comrade in writing.

    1. BTW, the above comment is from me, Linda Isako, from class.
