Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Everyday Celebrations

Whether you love or hate Valentine's Day, here's a poem about holidays by Portland writer and teacher, Susan Donnelly.

by Susan Donnelly

There are days proclaimed

to be holier than others,

as if somehow they are princesses

born of royal blood,

wrapped in soft purple velvet,

and entrusted with Divine Rights.

Days held in awe, holier

like the Portuguese virgins

who shuffle miles on their knees

to light sacred candles at Fatima.

It is as if the first February glimpse

of the Rufous Hummingbird’s green feathers

were somehow not worthy of celebration,

and the sweet scent of lilacs didn’t intoxicate;

as if basking in the unexpected warmth

of fragile October sun wasn’t

the perfect gift.

All days

are holy enough.


  1. Replies
    1. I agree, Deborah! Such a powerful piece, from the knees of the Portuguese virgins to the green feathers of the Rufous Hummingbird!
