Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Poetry by Hariana Chilstrom

Sometimes writing inspiration is just a bus ride away. Thanks to Hariana Chilstrom for letting me share this thought-provoking piece. Like a bus, it starts in one place and takes us somewhere else.

Misanthropy Rides the Bus
by Hariana Chilstrom

Riding on the #14 bus
On my way home,
Chewing on my thoughts
About loud, smelly, pushy people,
My eyes suddenly closed.

And, like a big friendly black and tan dog
A question wandered into my mind:
“I wonder if I could love everyone on this bus?”

Well, I didn’t get an answer
But the question sure was interesting.
It opened up a space
I didn’t know was there.

It was like finding a hidden room
Empty and unused
In a house I thought I knew well.

Maybe I won’t rush to fill it,
With homilies and affirmations
But wait
To see what comes
To see what shows up
To see what 
Honestly wants to be there.

About the author: Hariana Chilstrom is a science educator and visual artist who is passionate about pollinators and other (mostly spineless) creatures. She has written for the Pacific Horticulture Journal, several natural history associations, and the Seattle Aquarium. Many of her current creative non-fiction pieces have been spawned by experiences on city buses.


  1. Nice! Turning irksome matters into love is a more creative and peaceful way to go. Thanks to Hariana.

  2. Nice! Turning irksome matters into love is a more creative and peaceful way to go. Thanks to Hariana.

  3. So true, Deborah! I love the way this poem lets us inside someone else's head as she goes through this process.
