Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The City Song of Lucy Brown

One afternoon in the early 1990s, my husband and young son and I pulled up in our driveway and found a man standing by our side door, his hand on the knob, trying to open it. When he saw us, he said it was his house, that Michael Jackson once lived there, that I could come inside and live with him, but my husband had to go. The moment set off red lights and alarm bells in my head.

Later, I wrote a story from the man's point of view, which was published in The Saranac Review in 2005. What triggered his alarms? I wondered as I wrote. I've learned a few things about writing and life since then and am grateful to the editors of Abstract Magazine TV for publishing my revised version of the story last month.

This exquisite journal features visual art and writing that "engages with both the crises and joys of our shared human existence." You can click here to read my short story, "The City Song of Lucy Brown," which is paired with a breathtaking photo by the Swiss artist Thomas Kräher.


  1. The story and photo go exquisitely together. See my comment in the magazine.

  2. Thank you, Deborah. I'm in awe of Kräher's work.
